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Sort Data in Grid Views


To sort records by column values and replace existing sort conditions that are applied to the current or other columns, click the target column's header until an UP or Down Arrow icon is displayed within the header. The Up and Down Arrows indicate ascending and descending sort orders respectively.




To sort records by column values while preserving existing sort conditions, do one of the following.


Click a column header while holding the SHIFT key down, until an UP or Down Arrow icon is displayed within the header.

Right-click a column header and select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending from the context menu that will appear.




To remove sorting by a column, click a column header while holding down the CTRL key.


Sort Data in Card Views


To sort records by card field values and replace existing sort conditions that are applied to current or other fields.


1.Click the Customize button.




2.In the Customization window that opens, click the Sort button that corresponds to the target card field.




To sort records by a card field's values while preserving existing sort conditions:


1.Click the Customize button.

2.In the Customization window that opens, click the Sort button that corresponds to the target card field, while holding the SHIFT key down.


To remove sorting by a card field:


1.Click the Customize button.

2.In the Customization window that opens, click the Sort button that corresponds to the target card field, while holding the CTRL key down.


Sort Data in Layout Views.


To sort records by a card field's values and replace existing sort conditions that are applied to the current or other fields, do the following.


1.Hover over the target card field within any card. The sort (grid_gadget37_1) and filter buttons will appear.




2.Click the sort button until its image changes to a black arrow (grid_gadget37_2 or grid_gadget37_3). These images indicate ascending and descending sort orders respectively.


To sort records by a card field's values while preserving existing sort conditions:


1.Hover over the target card field within any card. The sort and filter buttons will appear.

2.Hold the SHIFT key down and click the sort button until its image changes to a black arrow (grid_gadget37_2 or grid_gadget37_3).


To remove sorting by a card field:


1.Hover over the target card field within any card. The sort and filter buttons will appear.

2.Hold the CTRL key down and click the sort button until its image changes to a gray arrow (grid_gadget37_1).