Binding Converters

1. Value Converters

Data bindings usually transfer data from a source property to a target property, and in some cases from the target property to the source property. This transfer is straightforward when the source and target properties are of the same type, or when one type can be converted to the other type through an implicit conversion. When that is not the case, a type conversion must take place.

Value Converters are the classes that are used to convert one form of data into another. when design user interface for Phoebus mobile apps.

pbs.BO.LA.NA?AddCode=C0002$Action=View => Open Address record with Id=C0002.

2.Why we need them

There are certain case studies when we need to convert the data from one format to another format in software development, especially in application development.

So, we perform the conversion like -

3.How to use Phoebus converters

Phoebus offers many Converters for consultants to design Mobile Apps. They are:

  1. Boolean Converter : Key = SBool

  2. Bool2TextConverter : Key = Bool2Text

  3. FormatTextConverter : Key = FormatText

  4. ImageConverter : Key = Image

    Bool2ImageConverter : Key = Bool2Image

    Lookup2ImageConverter : Key = Lookup2Image

  5. NotEmptyStringBoolConverter : Key = NotEmpty

  6. SDateConverter : Key = SDate

  7. SValueConverter : Key = SValue

  8. SFormulaConverter : Key = SFormula

  9. SInfoConverter : Key = SInfo

  10. SLookupConverter : Key = SLookup

  11. SValueConverter : Key = SValue

  12. Text2CommandConverter : Key = UrlCommand

  13. TranslationConverter : Key = Translate

  14. GetColorConverter : Key = GetColor

  15. BOConverter : Key = Str2BO

  16. BOListConverter : Key = Str2List

  17. DataTableConverter : Key = Str2DataTable

  18. DataRowConverter : Key = DataRow

Updated on : 2021-04-30 07:13:05. by : . at T470-01.

Topic : Converters