A tag is a data description you put on your form. When the form is run. Phoebus replace the tag with the actual value from database.
Using this method, our form is not fix, it alive and dynamically changes, depend on the input parameter.
A tag is text that you write in a cell and that will be replaced by a different value on the generated report. All tags are on the form <#TagName> when they don't have any parameters, and <#TagName(param1;param2...)> when they have parameters. Notice that the parameter separator is “;” not “,” as it is on expressions.
Tags are case insensitive, so you can write <#tag>, <#TAG> or <#Tag> as you prefer. The convention we usually use is all lowercase, but it is up to you.
You can write multiple tags on the same place, and the result will be the concatenated string. You may also apply different format to different tags. For example, writing “<#value1> and <#value2>” inside a cell will be replaced by something similar to “1 and 2”
Tags will be replaced on Cells, Comments, Sheet names, Images, Hyperlinks, AutoShapes, Headers and Footers.
Tag Reference:
The complete list of tags you can use and their descriptions is on the file PhoebusReportTags.xls.
Evaluating Expressions
Expressions can be used inside <#If> and <#Evaluate> tags. They behave like standard Excel formulas, and you can use any formula that FlexCel can calculate. But, different from formulas, you can also enter tags inside expressions.
For example, you could write: <#Evaluate(A1+Min(A2,<#Value>))>
Note that the parameter separator on Expressions is “,” , not “;” as it is on tags. This is to keep it syntactically compatible with Excel.
The supported list of things you can write inside an expression is detailed on the following table:
Expression |
Tags |
Syntax: <#Tag> |
Description: You can enter any tag inside an expression, and it will be evaluated. The tag might contain nested expressions too. |
Example: 1+<#Value> will return the report variable “Value” plus 1. |
References |
Syntax: A1, $A1, Sheet1!A2, A1:A2, Sheet1:Sheet2!A1:B20, etc |
Description: Standard Excel cell references. You can use relative and absolute references too. |
Example: A1+A2 will return the sum of what is on cell A1 and A2. As the references are not absolute, when copied down this expression will refer to A3, A4, etc. |
Parenthesis |
Syntax: () |
Description: Changes operator precedence. Standard operator precedence on expressions is the same as in Excel, that is “1+2*3” = 1+(2*3)=7 and not (1+2)*3=9 |
Example: (1+2)*3^2 will be evaluated different than 1+2*3^2 |
Arithmetic Operators |
Syntax: +, -, *, /, %, ^ (power) |
Description: Standard arithmetic operators. |
Example: 1+2*3^2 will evaluate to 19 5% will evaluate to 0.05 |
Equality Operators |
Syntax: <, >, =, >=, <=, <> |
Description: Standard equality operators. |
Example: 1>=2 will evaluate to false. |
Functions |
You can use any formula function that FlexCel can recalculate inside an expression. For a list of supported functions, take a look at SupportedFunctions.xls |
Constant |
Syntax: |
- |
Description: |
Any text that is not inside <#... > symbols. |
Example: |
On the string “<#tag1>Hello<#tag2>” “Hello” is a constant. |
Report Variable* |
Syntax: |
<#Value> |
or |
<#Value;default> |
Description: |
A variable set in code before running the report. You can specify a default value (second syntax) that will be used if the variable does not exist. If no default value is provided and the variable does not exist, an exception will be raised. |
Example: |
If you have a line of code “FlexCelReport.SetValue(“Date”,DateTime.Now) before FlexCelReport.Run, the tag <#Date> will be replaced by the current date. If you have <#Date> in the template but do not do the SetValue command, a runtime error will happen. |
If you write <#Date;No date supplied> in the template, this tag will be replaced with the date if you set it on code with SetValue, or with the string "No date supplied" if not. There will never be a runtime error. |
*Report Variables, User defined Expressions and User defined Functions use the same syntax, so it is impossible to differentiate between them. If you define a Report Variable with the same name as a User defined Expression and/or User defined function, they will be used on the following order: 1) User defined Expression. 2) Report Variable. 3)User defined function. |
User Defined Expression* |
Syntax: |
<#Expr> or <#Expr(param1;param2...)> |
Description: |
Text on the Column “User defined Expressions” on the config sheet. When using parameters, you can use the <#param1> name inside the expression definition. |
Example: |
If you define an Expression “CompleteName” = <#LastName>, <#FirstName> on the config sheet, the tag <#CompleteName> will be replaced by the expression. |
*Report Variables, User defined Expressions and User defined Functions use the same syntax, so it is impossible to differentiate between them. If you define a Report Variable with the same name as a User defined Expression and/or User defined function, they will be used on the following order: 1) User defined Expression. 2) Report Variable. 3)User defined function. |
User Defined Function* |
Syntax: |
<#UDF> or <#UDF(param1;param2;...)> |
Description: |
An user defined function on the code. See the User Defined demo for details. |
Example: |
If you define a function “Proper(name)” on the report code, <#Proper(test)> on the template will be replaced by the function. |
*Report Variables, User defined Expressions and User defined Functions use the same syntax, so it is impossible to differentiate between them. If you define a Report Variable with the same name as a User defined Expression and/or User defined function, they will be used on the following order: 1) User defined Expression. 2) Report Variable. 3)User defined function. |
Dataset |
Syntax: |
<#DataSet.Field> |
or |
<#DataSet.Field;default> |
Description: |
The value of “Field” on the current row of “Dataset”. If a default value is provided, it will be used when the field does not exist in the table or the table does not exits. You will normally want to provide default values when using metatemplates, together with the defined and preprocess tag. If you do not provide a default value and the field does not exist, a runtime error will happen. |
There are two defined “pseudocolumns” that you can use on any dataset: |
1) <#DataSet.#RowCount> will return the number of rows on a dataset. |
2) <#DataSet.#RowPos> will return the current position on the dataset (first record is 0). |
Example: |
If you have a table "Customers" with a column named "LastName", <#Customers.LastName> will replace the value on the report. |
<#if(<#Customers.#RowCount> = 0;<#delete row>;)> will delete a row if the dataset has no records. You can use it to delete the detail captions on master detail reports when the master has no details. |
<#Customers.LastName;No customer> will enter the value of the field LastName if such field exists in the database, or the string "No customer" otherwise. <#Customers.LastName;>will enter a null value if the field LastName does not exist. |
Full Dataset |
Syntax: |
<#Dataset.*> |
Description: |
The whole current row of the dataset. Cells to the right will be overwritten. You can write other <#Dataset.*> and <#Dataset.**> tags inside the same cell, and they will have the value of the first one. |
NOTE: It is reccomended that you don't use <#column width(autofit)> in a <#Dataset.*> tag, since the <#autofit> tag will be copied to every row and applied for every one. If you want to use it, it is best to put the autofit tag in the Full dataset captions tag (<#Dataset.**>) |
Example: |
If the cell A1=”<#DataSet.*>, after the report column A will have the first column of dataset, Column B the second column,etc. Any text previously on Column B will be overwritten. |
If you write "<#DataSet.*> <#if(<#DataSet.**>="Date";<#Format Cell(blue)>;>) in a cell, all columns written will have autofit, and when the column is named "Date" it will be formatted in blue |
Full Dataset Captions |
Syntax: |
<#DataSet.**> |
Description: |
The whole row of column captions for a dataset. You normally use this tag before a <#dataset.*> and outside any named range. |
Example: |
If you write <#Dataset.**> on cell A1, cell A1 will have the first column name on dataset, B1, the second, etc. Text previously on B1 will be overwritten. |
If you write "<#Dataset.**> <#ColumnWidth(autofit)>" in a cell, it will autofit all the columns in the range |
DbValue |
Syntax: |
<#dbvalue(table;row expression; column expression)> |
or |
<#dbvalue(table;row expression; column expression; default value)> |
Parameters: |
table: Datatable with the data, without quotes |
row expression: An excel expression (any valid excel formula that can include other <#tags>) that must return a number. This number is the record you want to retrieve. (starting at record 0) |
column expression: An excel expression (any valid excel formula that can include other <#tags>) that must return a number or a string. If a number, this means the position of the column in the datatable (with the first column being column 0). If a string, this is the name of a column in the table. Note: As this is an expression, not a string, if you want to enter a constant string here (like "customer") it must be between double quotes. The expression ="customer" with quotes evaluates to customer (without quotes). If you write just customer, it will be an invalid expression. |
default value: A default value that will be used if the row or column doesn't exist. If you don't specify a default value and try to access an invalid row or column, an exception will be thrown. |
Description: |
Returns any value of a table, letting you specify the record and column for the value. Note: This is an advanced tag, and you most likely don't want to use it. The most common application for it is when you want to do something depending on the value of the previous record (For example merge the cell if the value is the same as previous). Don't use it as a general tool. <#db.field> tags, ranges and aggregates should be enough for most needs, and they are a much cleaner and "functional" abstraction. |
Examples: |
<#dbvalue(customers;<#customers.#rowpos> - 1;"customerId";)> will return the value of the previous value in customers.customerid. Note that "CustomerId" is in quotes as it should be an expression that returns a string, not a string. Also note that we defined an empty default value, so no exception is thrown when we are at the beginning of the table. |
<#if(<#dbvalue(customers;<#customers.#rowpos> - 1;"customerId";)> = <#dbvalue(customers;<#customers.#rowpos>;"customerId";)>;<#Merge range(a3:a4)>;<#customers.name>)> will merge the cell if the value is the same as the previous one, or write the new value is values are the same. |
Aggregate |
Syntax: |
<#aggregate(agg function; dataset name and column)> |
or |
<#aggregate(agg function; dataset name; agg expression; filter)> |
Parameters: |
agg function: It might be SUM for adding the values, AVG for finding the average, MAX to find the maximum value and MIN to find the minimum value. |
dataset name (and column): Name of the dataset in which we want to aggregate the values. Note that this dataset doesn't need to be inside any named range, since we will use all of its records anyway. If "agg expression" is present, you don't need to include the column name, as the columns to aggregate will be taken from the expression. If not present, you need to include the column in which you want to aggregate. |
agg expression: This parameter is optional. An expression that will be applied to every record in the dataset.(any excel function is valid here, and you can use any combination of Excel functions) Null values will be ignored, but will count to the total records when calculating the average. If not present, the values of the column specified in "dataset name and column" will be used |
filter: This parameter is optional. If present, it should be an expression that returns true or false. Again, any excel formula is valid here. Only those records where the filter value is true will be used in the aggregate. When calculating the average, filtered records will not be used in the count. |
Description: |
Aggregates a dataset and returns an unique value for all its records. You can use this tag to find for example the sum on a column in a dataset. Note that this tag can have bad performance, as you need to load all data in memory in order to calculate the aggregate. If possible, it is prefered to do the aggregate directly in the database, for example using a "Group by" clause in the select SQL. This tag can be of use when you can't modify the datasets and you already have the data loaded, so you need to do the aggregation from the template. |
Examples: |
<#Aggregate(sum;orders.orderid)> will sum all the values in the column order id of the table orders |
<#Aggregate(avg;orders;<#orders.quantity>*<#orders.orderprice>)> will calculate the average of the quantity multiplied by the order price in table orders |
<#Aggregate(min;orders;<#orders.tag>;<#orders.tag>> 0)> will calculate the minimum tag in orders that is bigger than 0 |
List |
Syntax: |
<#List(dataset name and column)> |
or |
<#List(dataset name; list separator; agg expression; filter)> |
Parameters: |
dataset name (and column): Name of the dataset in which we want to get the values as a list. Note that this dataset doesn't need to be inside any named range, since we will use all of its records anyway. If "agg expression" is present, you don't need to include the column name, as the columns to aggregate will be taken from the expression. If not present, you need to include the column in which you want to aggregate. |
list separator: This parameter is optional. If not present it will default to a single space. This is the character that will separate the elements in the list. Note that if you want to us a semicolon here (;) you will have to write it in quotes (";") so it is not considered a parameter separator |
agg expression: This parameter is optional. An expression that will be applied to every record in the dataset.(any excel function is valid here, and you can use any combination of Excel functions) Null values will be ignored and not added to the list. If not present, the values of the column specified in "dataset name and column" will be used |
filter: This parameter is optional. If present, it should be an expression that returns true or false. Again, any excel formula is valid here. Only those records where the filter value is true will be used in the aggregate. |
Description: |
Returns a string with all the values of a table one after the other, and separated by a delimiter. If the table has only one record, you can use <#List(table.field)> to get the value of the only record without having to define any "__table__ named range. |
Examples: |
<#List(Employees.Lastname)> will return a string like "Smith Brown Perez". As we didn't specify a separator, a single space will be used. If you know Employees has only one record, you could have used this to avoid defining a "__employees__" named range. |
<#list(employees.lastname;, )> will return a string like "Smith, Brown, Perez". |
<#list(employees;"; "; <#employees.firstname> & " " & <#employees.lastname>)> will return a string like "John Smith; Carl Brown; Jorge Perez". Note that as we wanted to use ";" as list separator, we had to write it inside quotes. |
If |
Syntax: |
<#if(Condition; IfTrue; IfFalse)> |
Description: |
A conditional statement. When “condition” is true, “IfTrue” expression will be evaluated, if not “IfFalse” will. For a description of the “Condition” format, see “Evaluating Expressions” |
Example: |
<if(<#value>=1;One;Not One)> will write “One” if the report variable “Value” is 1, and “Not One” if not. |
Evaluate |
Syntax: |
<#evaluate(expression)> |
Parameters: |
expression: An expression to evaluate. For a list of possible expressions, see the section “Evaluating Expressions”. |
Description: |
This tag will evaluate an expression and output the final result. You can see it as a “static” formula. Different than <#=()> tag, expression will be evaluated each time a value is needed, so you can have relative addresses. |
Example: |
<#evaluate(A1+$A$2*2 & left(a3,2))> will output a string consisting on A1+A2*2 concatenated with the 2 first characters of a3. |
Equal |
Syntax: |
<#=(“Cell”)> |
Description: |
Replaces the tag with the referred cell content. “Cell” might be a reference to another sheet. |
Note that “Cell” will be evaluated at compile time, so it won't change when you copy the range. (It behaves always as an absolute reference, on the style $A$1). If you want to have a cell reference that is dynamically evaluated at fill time, use <evaluate(“Cell”)> tag. |
Note: Almost the only place where this tag makes sense is on sheet names. For other expressions it is better to define an expression on the config sheet and use it instead of a cell reference. When using a sheet name you can not always know which one is the config sheet, so it is not safe to use expressions, and you need the “=” tag. |
Example: |
If you name a sheet <#=(Sheet2!A1)> the sheet name will be replaced by whatever you write on cell A1 on Sheet2. On cells, define a named expression on the config sheet and use it instead of this tag. |
Include |
Syntax: |
<include(file; named range; shift type)> |
<include(file; named range; shift type;static/dynamic)> |
<include(file; named range; shift type;static/dynamic;CopyRowsOrCols)> |
Parameters: |
file: Filename to include. The path is relative to where the current template is. If you are inserting from a stream (for example from a database) you need to assign the GetInclude event. See Templates On The Exe demo for more info. |
named range: Named range on the included file that determines which cells will be included. |
shift type: How the existing cells will be shifted to insert the new ones. There are four possibilities: “__”, “_”, “I_” and “II_”, to move existing cells the full row down, only down, full column right and only right respectively. |
static/dynamic: This can be the string "Dynamic" or "Static" (without quotes), or omitted, in which case it is assumed to be "Dynamic". Dynamic includes will run inside the main report when inserted; this is the normal behavior. Static includes will just insert the child file inside the main report without running it. Static can be used if you want to include a previously generated report, to make sure FlexCel does not try to run it again. |
CopyRowsOrCols: this parameter can be "R", "C" or "RC" (without quotes). By default, included reports will get the column widths and row heights of the parent report (unless you are inserting a full column or row). If you specify "R" here, row heights and format from the included report will be copied to the parent, modifying the parent rows. If you specify "C", column widths will be copied, modifying the parent columns. If you specify "RC", both columns and rows will be copied. |
Description: |
Includes a sub report inside the current one. An included file can include other files itself. The subreport is precompiled and runs on its own sandbox, so it cannot access cells on the parent. For example, a <#delete range> tag will never erase something outside the include. |
The subreport does have access to all report variables, expressions and user defined functions of the parents, as it has to the parent databases. |
Example: |
On the following include, cells will be moved the whole row down. |
The generated file will be: |
Note how cells C2 and D2 are overwritten on the final report. As a general rule, do not write anything at the right of the file being included, except if you know for sure the include won't overwrite the cells. When inserting columns (II_ and I_ ) cells on the same column as the include will be overwritten. |
Configuration Sheet |
Syntax: |
<#config> |
Description: |
This tag will identify the current sheet as the configuration sheet. It will only have effect when written on a sheet name. |
Example: |
Just name the sheet <#config> |
You can also conditionally define a sheet as the configuration sheet. If you write <#if(<#value>=1;<#delete sheet>;<#config>)> as the name of one sheet and <#if(<#value><>1;<#delete sheet>;<#config>)> as the name of another, the configuration sheet will be the first or the second one depending on the value of <#value>. |
Delete Range |
Syntax: |
<#delete range(range address; shift type> |
Parameters: |
range address: The range of the cells to delete. This might be a string like "A1:B5" or a named range like "myrange" |
Note: Whenever possible, use named ranges instead of strings in the range definitions. If you define a named range "myrange" in cells A2:A3 and use it as a parameter for this tag, when you insert a row in A1 the range will move to A3:A4. If you had written the string "A2:A3" as the parameter for this tag, it will still point to A2:A3 after inserting the row. |
shift type: How the existing cells will be shifted when deleting. There are four possibilities: “__”, “_”, “I_” and “II_”, to move existing cells the full row up, only up, full column left and only left respectively. |
Description: |
Use it to delete a range of cells. The range will be deleted after all the cells on the band have been replaced. |
Example: |
<#if(<#value>=1;<#delete range(a1:a5;__)>;)> will delete the first five rows on the band when <#value>=1 and shift rows up. |
<#if(<#value>=1;<#delete range(myrange;I__)>;)> will delete the named range "myrange" when <#value>=1 and shift columns ot the left. |
Delete Row |
Syntax: |
<#delete row> |
or |
<#delete row(full)> |
<#delete row(relative)> |
Parameters: |
no parameters: When called with no parameters, the full row will be deleted. |
full: This is the same as calling it without parameters, the full row will be deleted |
relative: Only the cells inside the range being processed will be deleted, not the full row. Use this call if for example you have 2 side by side reports, and wish to delete the row in one of the reports but not in the other. Older FlexCel versions used this mode by default |
Description: |
Use it to delete the current row. If you are a FlexCel 2.x user, note that <#delete row> behaves different than the old ...delete row... Now <#delete row> is processed at the same time as the ranges, so you can't use it to expand ranges. Use “X” ranges instead. |
Example: |
<#if(<#value>=””;<#delete row>;)> will delete the current row when value is empty. |
Delete Column |
Syntax: |
<#delete col> |
Parameters: |
no parameters: When called with no parameters, the full column will be deleted. |
full: This is the same as calling it without parameters, the full column will be deleted |
relative: Only the cells inside the range being processed will be deleted, not the full column. Use this call if for example you have 2 reports one above the other, and wish to delete the column in one of the reports but not in the other. Older FlexCel versions used this mode by default |
Description: |
Use it to delete the current column. |
Example: |
<#if(<#value>=””;<#delete col>;)> will delete the current column when value is empty. |
Delete Sheet |
Syntax: |
<#delete sheet> |
Description: |
This tag will delete the current sheet. It will only have effect when written on a sheet name. |
Example: |
If you write <#if(<#value>=1;<#delete sheet>;Food)> as the name of a sheet, this sheet will have the name “Food” when the report variable “value” is not one, and will be deleted when “value”=1 |
Note that as them maximum sheet name size is 31 characters, you will probably need to write the expression including the <#delete sheet> tag on the config sheet, and name the sheet as <#=(<#Config>!A1)> or similar, as shown in the picture: |
Format Cell |
Syntax: |
<#format cell(format name)> |
Parameters: |
format name: The name of a format defined on the config sheet. |
Description: |
Use it to format a cell with a defined format. You define all format settings (fonts, borders, patterns, etc) on the config sheet, and then you can freely use them. Note that you can define "partial formats" that will only apply part of the format. (for example the cell background, but keeping the font of the destination cell). Look at the End user Guide for more information on partial formats |
Example: |
<#if(mod(row(a1),2)=0;<#format cell(Yellow)>;)> will format the cell as yellow for odd rows. |
You need to define a “Yellow” format on the config sheet: |
Format Row |
Syntax: |
<#format row(format name)> |
Parameters: |
format name: The name of a format defined on the config sheet. |
Description: |
Use it to format the current row with a defined format. Note that the order on that the <#format> tags will be applied is: |
1) format row / format col |
2) format range |
3) format cells |
So, if you format row 1 as “Red”, and cell A1 as “Blue”, the cell format will have priority over the row format and A1 will be Blue. B1:IV1 will be Red. |
Example: |
<#format row(blue)> will format the current row with the user defined format “blue”. |
Format Column |
Syntax: |
<#format column(format name)> |
Parameters: |
format name: The name of a format defined on the config sheet. |
Description: |
Use it to format the current column with a defined format. Note that the order on that the <#format> tags will be applied is: |
1) format row / format column |
2) format range |
3) format cells |
So, if you format column A as “Red”, and cell A1 as “Blue”, the cell format will have priority over the column format and A1 will be Blue. A2:A65536 will be Red. |
Example: |
<#format column(blue)> will format the current column with the user defined format “blue”. |
Format Range |
Syntax: |
<#format range(range address; format name)> |
Parameters: |
range address: The range of the cells to format. This might be a string like "A1:B5" or a named range like "myrange" |
Note: Whenever possible, use named ranges instead of strings in the range definitions. If you define a named range "myrange" in cells A2:A3 and use it as a parameter for this tag, when you insert a row in A1 the range will move to A3:A4. If you had written the string "A2:A3" as the parameter for this tag, it will still point to A2:A3 after inserting the row. |
format name: The name of a format defined on the config sheet. |
Description: |
Use it to format a range of cells with a defined format. Note that the order on that the <#format> tags will be applied is: |
1) format row / format col |
2) format range |
3) format cells |
So, if you format range A1:B2 as “Red”, and cell A1 as “Blue”, the cell format will have priority over the range format and A1 will be Blue. All other cells on A1:B2 will be Red. |
Example: |
<#format range(a1:b2;blue)> will format the range a1:b2 with the user defined format “blue”. |
<#format range(myrange;blue)> will format the named range "myrange" with the user defined format “blue”. |
Merge Range |
Syntax: |
<#merge range(range address)> |
Parameters: |
range address: The range of the cells to merge. This might be a string like "A1:B5" or a named range like "myrange" |
Note: Whenever possible, use named ranges instead of strings in the range definitions. If you define a named range "myrange" in cells A2:A3 and use it as a parameter for this tag, when you insert a row in A1 the range will move to A3:A4. If you had written the string "A2:A3" as the parameter for this tag, it will still point to A2:A3 after inserting the row. |
Description: |
Use it to dynamically merge a range of cells when generating the report. The range will grow/shrink when copying the tag, depending on the count of records on the current band. IMPORTANT: !!THIS TAG IS ONLY FOR DYNAMIC MERGING. FOR NORMAL MERGED CELLS, JUST MERGE THEM IN THE TEMPLATE!! |
Example: |
<#merge range(a1:a2)> when written inside a band on A1:Z2 will merge the cells on column A once per band. |
Row Page Break |
Syntax: |
<#page break> |
Description: |
<#page break> tags are useful for inserting page breaks on the report. “Normal” page breaks are fixed, they won't be copied each time a band is expanded. So you need to add this tag to get a page break for each value of the band. |
Note that manual page breaks on a sheet have a maximum of 1026, so any page break above this will not be inserted and will be silently ignored. There is a property on FlexCelReport that you can set to have an exception instead on ignoring them when the limit is reached. |
Example: |
<#page break> will insert a page break on the current row. |
Column Page Break |
Syntax: |
<#column page break> |
Description: |
<#column page break> tags are useful for inserting page breaks on the report. “Normal” page breaks are fixed, they won't be copied each time a band is expanded. So you need to add this tag to get a page break for each value of the band. |
Note that manual page breaks on a sheet have a maximum of 1026, so any page break above this limit will not be inserted and will be silently ignored. There is a property on FlexCelReport that you can set to have an exception instead on ignoring them when the limit is reached. |
Example: |
<#column page break> will insert a page break on the current column. |
Automatic Page Breaks |
Syntax: |
<#auto page breaks> |
or |
<#auto page breaks(PercentOfPageUsed; PageScale> |
Parameters: |
PercentOfPageUsed: This value must be between 0 and 100 and specifies the minimum percent of the sheet that can be empty when adding the page breaks. |
PageScale: This parameter must be between 50 and 100, and it specifies how smaller to consider the sheet when calculating the page break, in order to avoid rounding errors. |
Calling this tag without parameters is equivalent to calling <#auto page breaks(20;95)> |
Description: |
When you write an <#auto page breaks> tag in a sheet, FlexCel will try to keep together all named ranges starting with "keeprows_" and "keepcolumns_". For an in depth explanation on how this works, consult UsingFlexCelReports.pdf |
Example: |
<#auto page breaks> will tell flexcel to add manual page breaks in all the sheet so all "keepxxx" ranges are kept together. |
Row Height |
Syntax: |
<#Row Height(Value)> |
or |
<#Row Height(show)> |
<#Row Height(hide)> |
or |
<#Row Height(autofit; Adjustment;AdjustmentFixed;MinHeight;MaxHeight)> |
Parameters: |
Value: If it is a number, it means the height of the row. If it is “show” or “hide” means to show or hide the row. If it is “autofit”, it means to autofit the row to the cell contents. |
Adjustment: This value is optional and only has meaning if “value” is autofit. It is a percent to make the row higher. |
AdjustmentFixed: This value is optional and only has meaning if "value" is autofit. It is a fixed amount to make the row bigger than the calculated value. The final height of the row might be calculated as: FinalHeight = CalculatedHeight * Adjustment + AdjustmentFixed |
MinHeight: This value is optional and only has meaning if "value" is autofit. It might be: "Dont Shrink": Means autofit, but never make the row smaller than the original size "Dont Grow": Means autofit, but never make the row bigger than the original size. A number: Specifies the minimum size of the row. |
MaxHeight: This value is optional and only has meaning if "value" is autofit. It might be: "Dont Shrink": Means autofit, but never make the row smaller than the original size "Dont Grow": Means autofit, but never make the row bigger than the original size. A number: Specifies the maximum size of the row. |
Description: |
Use this tag to change the heights of rows. See the “Autofit” demo for more information. |
Example: |
<#Row Height(30)> |
<#Row Height(hide)> |
<#Row Height(Autofit)> |
will mark the row to be autofitted by FlexCel. |
<#Row Height(Autofit;100;0;dont shrink)> |
will mark the row to be autofitted by FlexCel, with standard adjustment, and with a row size of at least the original row size. |
Column Width |
Syntax: |
<#Column Width(Value)> |
or |
<#Column Width(show)> |
<#Column Width(hide)> |
or |
<#Column Width(autofit; Adjustment;AdjustmentFixed;MinWidth;MaxWidth)> |
Parameters: |
Value: If it is a number, it means the width of the column. If it is “show” or “hide” means to show or hide the column. If it is “autofit”, it means to autofit the column to the cell contents. |
Adjustment: This value is optional and only has meaning if “value” is autofit. It is a percent to make the column wider. |
AdjustmentFixed: This value is optional and only has meaning if "value" is autofit. It is a fixed amount to make the column bigger than the calculated value. The final width of the column will be calculated as: FinalWidth = CalculatedWidth * Adjustment + AdjustmentFixed |
MinWidth: This value is optional and only has meaning if "value" is autofit. It might be: "Dont Shrink": Means autofit, but never make the column smaller than the original size "Dont Grow": Means autofit, but never make the column bigger than the original size. A number: Specifies the minimum size of the column. |
MaxWidth: This value is optional and only has meaning if "value" is autofit. It might be: "Dont Shrink": Means autofit, but never make the column smaller than the original size "Dont Grow": Means autofit, but never make the column bigger than the original size. A number: Specifies the maximum size of the column. |
Description: |
Use this tag to change the widths of columns. See the “Autofit” demo for more information. |
Example: |
<#Column Width(Autofit)> |
will mark the column to be autofitted by FlexCel. |
Autofit Settings |
Syntax: |
<#Autofit Settings(Global; KeepAutofit; Adjustment; AdjustmentFixed)> |
Parameters: |
Global: It can be either the string "All" or "Selected" (without quotes). "All" means automatically autofit every row on the workbook, regardless of if the row has been marked for autofit (with <#row height(autofit)>) or not. "Selected" means only autofit rows that are marked. |
The default is "Selected" and we recommend this setting, since autofitting all the rows on the sheet could change heights of rows you do not want to change. If you want to use "all", make sure you make rows that you do not want to chage of fixed height on the Excel template. |
KeepAutofit: If "keep", rows that were marked as autofit on the original template will be kept autofit. This means when you open the file in Excel it will recalculate the row heights and they might change a little, but you will never get croped text. The dafault is true. If this setting is "fixed", row height will be fixed at the size calculated by FlexCel, and Excel will not recalculate them. While this will make both Excel and FlexCel look the same, when seing the file in Excel it might crop some text. If you want to use this option, we recommend you ser Adjustment of about 150 to avoid text crop. |
Adjustment: It is a percent to make the columns wider or rows higher on all the sheets. The default is 100, but you can enter a bigger number here. Also, you can override global adjustments with the <#row height(autofit, localadjustment)> and <column width(autofit, localadjustment)>. If you do not specify localadjustment on those tags, the value specified here will be used. |
AdjustmentFixed: It is a fixed ammount to make the columns wider or rows higher on all the sheets. The default is 0, but you can enter a bigger number here. |
Description: |
This tag commands the autofit settings on a sheet. You need to have only one of those tags in each sheet, and it will affect the autofit of all rows and columns. If you do not specify this tag on a sheet, the default used is <#Autofit Settings(Selected;keep;100;0)> |
Example: |
<#Autofit Settings(All, keep, 100)> |
will autofit all non fixed rows on the sheet, and you will not need to specify individual rows to autofit with <#row height> tag. |
Comment |
Syntax: |
<#//(...)> |
Description: |
Everything inside a // tag will be ignored. You can use it to temporary disable tags. |
Example: |
<#//(This is a comment)> will not do anything and is equivalent to an empty string. |
Image Size |
Syntax: |
<#imgsize> |
or |
<#imgsize(zoom; aspect ratio)> |
Parameters: |
When called with no parameters, this tag will resize the image to "Best Fit" inside the original image template rectangle maintaining the aspect ratio. That is, if the image in the template is 50px wide x 40px tall, the new image will be resized to be either 40 px tall or 50 px wide, in a way the aspect ratio is mainatined and the new image is no bigger than the image in the template |
zoom: Percent of zoom to resize the image. 0 = leave size untouched. |
aspect ratio: Aspect ratio of the image. 0 = leave size untouched. Negative values mean keep height fixed and resize width to match, and positive values mean keep width fixed and resize height to match |
Description: |
This tag will only work when written on the name of an image. You shouldn't use both parameters at the same time, always leave zoom=0 or aspect ratio=0 |
Example: |
The most common way to use this tag is just to name an image <#Data><#imgsize>. If you do so, the inserted image will be as big as possible without being bigger than the original, and maintaining the aspect ratio. |
If you name an image <#Data><#imgsize(0;-1)> the image will retain its designed height and resize its width so it is not distorted. You can see a lot of different uses of this tag on the Images demo. |
Image Position |
Syntax: |
<#imgpos(RowAlign;ColAlign;RowOffset;ColOffset)> |
Parameters: |
All paramters are optional. |
RowAlign: It might be "Top", "Center" "Bottom" or omitted. If omitted vertical image position won't change. |
ColAlign: It might be "Left", "Center" or "Right" or omitted. If omitted the horizontal image position won't change. |
RowOffset: It is a number specifying how many pixels from the calculated position the image will be moved down. If negative, image will be moved up from the calculated position. If omitted it is assumed to be 0 |
ColOffset: It is a number specifying how many pixels from the calculated position the image will be moved right. If negative, image will be moved left from the calculated position. If omitted it is assumed to be 0 |
Description: |
This tag must be written as part of an image name, not in a cell.Use this tag to dynamically move an image. You will normally need to use it when dealing with image of different sizes. |
Example: |
If you name an image <#Data><#imgpos(center;center;-10)> the image will be centered in the column, and 10 pixels to the right of being centered in the row. |
Image Fit |
Syntax: |
<#imgfit(FitInRows;FitInCols;RowMargin;ColMargin)> |
Parameters: |
All paramters are optional. |
FitInRows: It might be "InRow", "Dont Shrink", "Dont Grow" or omitted. If omitted the row will not change. If you use InRow, the row size will always change to fit the image. Dont Shrink and Dont Grow work the same as InRow, but row size will only change if the new height is larger/smaller than the current size. |
FitInCols: It might be "InColumn", "Dont Shrink", "Dont Grow" or omitted. If omitted the column will not change. If you use InCol, the column size will always change to fit the image. Dont Shrink and Dont Grow work the same as InColumn, but column size will only change if the new width is larger/smaller than the current size. |
RowMargin: It is a number specifying how many pixels to add to the row as a margin around the image. |
ColMargin: It is a number specifying how many pixels to add to the column as a margin around the image. |
Description: |
This tag must be written as part of an image name, not in a cell. Use this tag to resize a row or a column so they are big enough to hold an image. You will normally want to use this tag when image size changes dynamically, so the images fit inside their cells. |
Example: |
If you name an image <#Data><#imgfit(inrow;;-10)> the row will be made as big as the image plus 10 pixels. |
Image Delete |
Syntax: |
<#imgdelete> |
Description: |
This tag must be written as part of an image name, not in a cell. Use this tag to delete an image. |
Example: |
If you name an image <#Data><#if(<#Data="";<#imgdelete>;)> image will be deleted when there is no data. |
Lookup |
Syntax: |
<#lookup(table name; search key names; search key values ;result field)> |
Parameters: |
table name: Master table where we will look for the value. |
search key names: A list of columns containing the search key on the master table. It will normally be just one column, but if you need to search by more than one, you can separate column names with a comma (“,”) |
search key values: A list of values containing the search values on the master table. The number of search key values should match the number of search key names. If you have more than one search key value, you need to use an <#array> tag. |
result field: the field of “Table name” you want to display. |
Description: |
Use <#lookup> to search for a field description on another table. |
Example: |
If you keep an CustomerId on table Orders and the Customer data on a table Customers, to output the real customer name for an order you can use: |
<#lookup(Customers;CustomerId;<#Orders.CustomerId>;CustomerName)> |
For more examples on the use of lookup, see the lookup demo. |
Array |
Syntax: |
<#array(value_1; value_2;.... ;value_n)> |
Description: |
Use <#array> to output an array of values. Currently, the only use of <#array> tag is to provide an array of search keys for the <#lookup> tag, but it could have more independent uses on the future. |
Example: |
To lookup a field by two different keys, you should use: |
<#lookup(Table;Column1,Column2;<#array(value1;value2)>;result column)> |
Regular Expressions |
Syntax: |
<#regex(IgnoreCase; Expression; Match; [Replace])> |
Parameters: |
IgnoreCase: 0 to do a case-sensitive search, 1 to do a case-insensitive search. |
Expression: Regular Expression we want to evaluate. |
Match: String where we will apply the regular expression. |
Replace: This is an optional parameter, and if present, it is the string that we will replace into the matching parts of Match. |
Description: |
There are 2 ways to use this tag, depending if you include the “Replace” parameter or not. If you don't include it, this function will return the parts of the string “Match” that match the regular expression. When you specify a Replace parameter, this function will return the original “Match” string where the parts that match the expression will be replaced by the Replace parameter. |
Examples: |
<#regex(0;x.*e;flexcel)> will return xce |
<#regex(0;x.*e;flexcel;***)> will return fle***l |
<#regex(0;x*.e;flexcel;o)> will return fool |
<#regex(0;x*.e;flexcel;)> will return fl |
Formula |
Syntax: |
<#Formula> |
Description: |
You can use this tag to make FlexCel enter the text on the cell as a formula instead of a string. Note that the text on the cell must be a valid formula, and start with an “=” sign. If the expression is not a valid Excel formula, an Exception will be raised. You only need to enter this tag once in a cell, normally at the beginning. Note that for entering cell references, you will need to use the <#ref> tag. |
Example: |
If you enter on a cell: |
B5: <#Formula>= <#ref(0;-1)> + <#Db.Field> |
when the report is generated, on the cell you will have formulas like: |
B5: “=A5 + 4” |
C5: “=A6 + 3” |
etc. |
We used the <#ref> tag here to make the reference “A5” grow down when the cell is copied. Also, using <#ref> instead of writing the cell reference directly, allows you to insert for example a row at the beginning of the template, and not break the report. |
Ref |
Syntax: |
<#Ref(NamedRange)> |
or |
<#Ref(RowOffset; ColOffset)> |
or |
<#Ref(NamedRange; RowAbsolute; ColAbsolute)> |
Parameters: |
NamedRange: The name of a named range with the cell address you want to use. |
RowOffset: How many rows below or above this cell is the refrence. Use negative values to indicate rows above the cell. |
ColOffset: How many columns at the left or the right of this cell is the refrence. Use negative values to indicate rows at the left of the cells. |
RowAbsolute: If true, the row will not move down when copying. This is analog to a A$1 reference |
ColAbsolute: If true, the column will not move to the right when copying. This is analog to a $A1 reference |
Description: |
This tag will normally be used together with a <#formula> tag, in order to add relative references to a hand-written formula. Even if the values are absolute, it is a good idea to always use <#ref> tags on formulas, since if you don't, whenever you insert rows on the sheet the references will not be updated |
Example: |
<#ref(-1;-2)> means the cell that is 1 row above and 2 columns to the left |
<#ref(Potatoes;true;true)> means a reference to the name "potatoes" on the sheet that will not move when copying cells. |
Syntax: |
<#HTML(Enable)> |
Parameters: |
Enable: Enable can be “TRUE” or “FALSE”. When true, the text on the cell will be entered as HTML, when false it will be entered as normal text. For more information about HTML tags supported, see the FlexCelReport.HtmlMode property on the Help file. |
Description: |
This tag overrides the global property “FlexCelReport.HtmlMode” on a cell by cell basis. If you set HtmlMode = true on a report, you can exclude individual cells of being HTML formatted with the tag <#HTML(false)>. Similarly, when HtmlMode = false, you can make individual cells HTML formatted with the tag <#HTML(true)>. You only need to write one HTML tag into a cell, and its position does not matter. |
Example: |
<#HTML(true)><#Text> |
will enter the value of <#Text> as an Html string when HtmlMode = false. |
Preprocess |
Syntax: |
<#Preprocess> |
Description: |
The preprocess tag enters a "preprocessor" mode where you can modify the template before actually running the report. You only need to write one Preprocess tag into a cell, and its position does not matter. |
When this tag is present in any cell of the template, FlexCel will make 2 passes on it. On the first pass, FlexCel will process all the cells with "Preprocess" tag, and in the second it will load the modified template. You can use the first pass to delete rows and columns, and customize the final template before the report. |
You can get dynamic templates this way, that are customized depending on the data. |
Example: |
<#Preprocess><#if(<#defined(customer.date)>;;<#delete column>)> |
will delete the column from the template before running the report when "customer.date" is no defined. |
<#Preprocess><#if(<#includecustomer>)>;;<#delete column>)> |
will delete the column if the variable "includecustomer" is false |
Defined |
Syntax: |
<#defined(field_or_variable)> |
or |
<#defined(field_or_variable;global> |
<#defined(field_or_variable;local> |
Parameters: |
field_or_variable: Field we want to find out if is defined. "Defined" will return if the variable or database field exists in a global scope. |
global: This is the same as calling it with just 1 parameter. |
local: When the second parameter is the string "local", "defined" will return true only if the field is accessible to the current range. For example, if you have a master range __master__ and included inside a detail range __detail__; defined(detail.field;local) will return true only if the cell is inside the __detail__ range, but not if is inside the __master__ range. defined(detail.field;global) or simply defined(detail.field) will return true no matter the cell where the expression is in. |
Description: |
Use this tag to know if a field variable is defined or not. This is normally useful when doing metatemplates (see meta templates demo) together with the Preprocess tag. This way you can have dynamic SQLs, and delete columns from the report if those columns where not selected in the SQL. |
Example: |
<#Preprocess><#if(<#defined(customer.date)>;;<#delete column>)> |
will delete the column from the template if the field "date" does not exists in the table customers |
Remarks: |
When using the "defined" tag, you will probably need to use default values in the database fields too. For example, the expression "<#if(<#defined(db.field)>;<#db.field>;no data)>" will raise an error if db.field does not exits. This is because FlexCel precompiles the whole expression before evaluating it, and it can't compile it if <#db.field> does not exist. The defined tag will be evaluated later, (many times, this is why FlexCel precompiles the expression), but at precompile time this expression will raise an error. |
The correct expression in this case is "<#if(<#defined(db.field)>;<#db.field;no data>;no data)>", or more simple just "<#db.field;no data>" |
In general, when using fields that might be defined or not, you should always specify a default value for them. |
Defined Format |
Syntax: |
<#defined format(expression)> |
Parameters: |
expression: An expression that should resolve to a string |
Description: |
Use this tag to know if a custom format is defined in the config sheet. |
Example: |
<#if(<#defined format(<#fmt>)>;<#format cell(<#fmt>)>;)> |
will format the cell with the style specified by the variable <#fmt> if it is defined, or do nothing otherwise. |
Syntax: |
<#DTB> |
Parameters: |
No parameter |
Description: |
Return the current database from which Phoebus create report |
Example: |
Syntax: |
<#LDG> |
Parameters: |
No parameter |
Description: |
Return the current Ledger from which Phoebus create report |
Example: |
Name |
Syntax: |
<#Name> |
Parameters: |
No parameter |
Description: |
Return the Phoebus report name (QDID code) |
Example: |
UserID |
Syntax: |
<#UserID> |
Parameters: |
No parameter |
Description: |
Return the uer id , who run report |
Example: |
Address1 .. Address6, Contact,Email,Telephone, Telex, Webpage |
Syntax: |
<#Address1> … |
Parameters: |
No parameter |
Description: |
Return the company info of the current business entiry |
Example: |
Syntax: |
<#STR2VAL(expression)> |
Parameters: |
expression: An expression that should resolve to a string |
Description: |
Return the decimal value, converted from expression. Support calculation of evaluation engine |
Example: |
<#STR2VAL("1345")> return 1345.00 |
Syntax: |
<#SUNDATE2DATE(expression)> |
Parameters: |
expression: An expression that should resolve to a string or integer in format yyyymmdd |
Description: |
return date time , converted from string |
Example: |
<#SUNDATE2DATE(20090213)> return 13 Feb 2009 (excel native date) |
Syntax: |
<#PERIOD2STR(expression)> |
Parameters: |
expression: An expression that should resolve to a string or integer in format yyyyppp |
Description: |
return formated string , converted from period |
Example: |
<#PERIOD2STR(2009002)> return 002/2009 |
Read_EN |
Syntax: |
<#Read_EN(expression;Unit;SubUnit)> |
Parameters: |
expression: An expression that should resolve to a number |
Unit and SubUnit : the currency name |
Description: |
return say to word phrase o the given number. (English) |
Example: |
<#Read_EN(10;"dollar";"cent")> return Ten dollars |
Read_VN |
Syntax: |
<#Read_VN(expression;Unit;SubUnit)> |
Parameters: |
expression: An expression that should resolve to a number |
Unit and SubUnit : the currency name |
Description: |
return say to word phrase o the given number. (Vietnamese) |
Example: |
<#Read_VN(10;"dong";"xu")> return Muoi dong |
Unicode |
Syntax: |
<#Unicode(expression)> |
Parameters: |
expression: An expression that should resolve to a VNI string |
Description: |
Convert VNI string to Unicode string |
Example: |
Syntax: |
<#PERIODOFFSET(Period;integer)> |
Parameters: |
MonthNumber: An expression that should resolve to a number : 1,2,3 |
CurrentPeriodOverride: optional, if not provided, Current Period in Phoebus will be used instead |
Description: |
Return a period from month number |
Example: |
Syntax: |
Parameters: |
MonthNumber: An expression that should resolve to a number : 1,2,3 |
CurrentPeriodOverride: optional, if not provided, Current Period in Phoebus will be used instead |
Description: |
Return a period from month number |
Example: |
PA |
Syntax: |
<#PA(CurrentPeriodOverride)> |
Parameters: |
CurrentPeriodOverride: optional, if not provided, Current Period in Phoebus will be used instead |
Description: |
Return current period |
Example: |
<#PA()> Return 003/2009. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#PA(2007004)> Return 004/2007. |
FP |
Syntax: |
<#FP(CurrentPeriodOverride)> |
Parameters: |
CurrentPeriodOverride: optional, if not provided, Current Period in Phoebus will be used instead |
Description: |
Return first period of the year |
Example: |
<#FP()> Return 001/2009. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#FP(2007004)> Return 001/2007. |
Syntax: |
<#YEF(CurrentPeriodOverride)> |
Parameters: |
CurrentPeriodOverride: optional, if not provided, Current Period in Phoebus will be used instead |
Description: |
Return first period of last year |
Example: |
<#YEF()> Return 001/2008. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#YEF(2007004)> Return 001/2006. |
YH |
Syntax: |
<#YH(CurrentPeriodOverride)> |
Parameters: |
CurrentPeriodOverride: optional, if not provided, Current Period in Phoebus will be used instead |
Description: |
Return the last period of last year |
Example: |
<#YH()> Return 012/2008. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#YEF(2007004)> Return 012/2006. |
PE |
Syntax: |
<#PE(CurrentPeriodOverride)> |
Parameters: |
CurrentPeriodOverride: optional, if not provided, Current Period in Phoebus will be used instead |
Description: |
Return this period last year |
Example: |
<#PE()> Return 003/2008. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#PE(2007004)> Return 004/2006. |
PH |
Syntax: |
<#PH(CurrentPeriodOverride)> |
Parameters: |
CurrentPeriodOverride: optional, if not provided, Current Period in Phoebus will be used instead |
Description: |
Return last period |
Example: |
<#PH()> Return 002/2009. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#PH(2007004)> Return 003/2007. |
PN |
Syntax: |
<#PN(CurrentPeriodOverride)> |
Parameters: |
CurrentPeriodOverride: optional, if not provided, Current Period in Phoebus will be used instead |
Description: |
Return next period |
Example: |
<#PN()> Return 004/2009. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#PN(2007004)> Return 005/2007. |
QAF and QAT |
Syntax: |
<#QAF(CurrentPeriodOverride)> and <#QAT(CurrentPeriodOverride)> |
Parameters: |
CurrentPeriodOverride: optional, if not provided, Current Period in Phoebus will be used instead |
Description: |
Return this quarter From and this quarter To period |
Example: |
<#QAF()> Return 001/2009. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#QAT()> Return 003/2009. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#QAF(2007004)> Return 004/2007. |
<#QAT(2007004)> Return 006/2007. |
QEF and QET |
Syntax: |
<#QEF(CurrentPeriodOverride)> and <#QET(CurrentPeriodOverride)> |
Parameters: |
CurrentPeriodOverride: optional, if not provided, Current Period in Phoebus will be used instead |
Description: |
Return this quarter last year From and this quarter last year To period |
Example: |
<#QEF()> Return 001/2008. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#QET()> Return 003/2008. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#QEF(2007004)> Return 004/2006. |
<#QET(2007004)> Return 006/2006. |
QHF and QHT |
Syntax: |
<#QHF(CurrentPeriodOverride)> and <#QHT(CurrentPeriodOverride)> |
Parameters: |
CurrentPeriodOverride: optional, if not provided, Current Period in Phoebus will be used instead |
Description: |
Return last quarter From and last quarter To period |
Example: |
<#QHF()> Return 009/2008. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#QHT()> Return 012/2008. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#QHF(2007004)> Return 001/2007. |
<#QHT(2007004)> Return 003/2007. |
QNF and QNT |
Syntax: |
<#QNF(CurrentPeriodOverride)> and <#QNT(CurrentPeriodOverride)> |
Parameters: |
CurrentPeriodOverride: optional, if not provided, Current Period in Phoebus will be used instead |
Description: |
Return next quarter From and last quarter To period |
Example: |
<#QNF()> Return 004/2009. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#QNT()> Return 006/2009. (phoebus current period is 003/2009) |
<#QNF(2007004)> Return 007/2007. |
<#QNT(2007004)> Return 009/2007. |