Cài đặt Phoebus Web trên IIS 7.5

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Cài đặt Phoebus Web trên IIS 7.5

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How to install IIs 7.5 on Windows

Source http://insomniacgeek.com/how-to-install-iis-7-5-on-windows-7/

This post will guide you through the steps of installing the Internet Information Services v7.5 (IIs) on Windows 7. You must have administrator privileges to perform this operation.

1. Go to Control Panel –> Programs and Features –> Turn Windows features on or off.


2. Put a checkmark in the World Wide Web Services. This will select the most common features for the web server. In my case, I also have selected the ASP.NET, and Basic and Windows Authentication features. Some features may not be available depending on which edition of Windows 7 you have. This article will give an overview on Available Web Server (IIS) Role Services in IIS 7.5 for the various editions.


3. Click Ok and Windows will install the selected features.


4. Verify that the installation succeeded by browsing to http://localhost. This should display the IIs logo.


5. If you have done this after installation Visual Studio 2010 (and .NET Framework v4) you will only have the default .NET v2 application pools:


so in order to get the .NET Framework v4 integration and application pools, you will have to register the .NET Framework v4 with IIS. Open an elevated command prompt change directory to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319

and type: aspnet_regiis.exe -i

Now, the .NET Framework v4 application pools are available:




You must turn on Static Content option. Otherwise Phoebus will not display static picture










Updated date: 09/08/2010